FFA hosted their Annual Banquet Monday night in the Den. Current President, Swayze Ness, opened the meeting and a potluck meal was then enjoyed by all who attended. Following the meal the meeting resumed with presentation of awards. Seniors then "hung up" their FFA jackets for the final time and were issued an FFA rope to wear at graduation. New officers were announced at the conclusion.
New Officers pictured above are: Taya Chelmo, President; Swayze Ness, Vice President; Braxton Pulse, Treasurer; Colton Michalek, Secretary; Jayden Kott, Sentinel; Shayda Ness, Reporter and Gavin Walsh, Student Advisor.
2021-2022 Chapter:
Seniors: Charles Bohon, Hunter Janish, Dylan Wulff, Brook Nolz, Auburn Pulse, Drew Ekstrum & Kaden Tyrrell.