4th-6th grade girls have a volleyball learning opportunity as part of Ryann Nielsen's Senior Project!
The junior high girls and boys basketball games tonight in Woonsocket are postponed. We are working on a new date.
The Boys Basketball Game scheduled for tonight in Platte has been postponed.
Come watch the Kimball High School One Act Play cast members perform "Bus Stop" on January 15th @ 6:30pm in the high school Den. The play is about a child who has a hard time adjusting and fitting in after being separated from her dysfunctional parents and put into a foster home. The play cast members would appreciate your support as they prepare for Regions on Jan. 17th!
We hope you can join us for a delicious meal supporting the Junior Class as they raise funds for prom. And you get to enjoy some girls and boys basketball!
The FAFSA (Free Application For Student Aid) is now available. You may have to wait a little while for it to load and to get "in" but it is open for use! Go to https://studentaid.gov/ to apply!
Build Dakota Scholarship program provides a full tuition scholarship to the states technical colleges for high demand programs. The scholarship is now open for applications. To learn more and to apply visit --- https://www.builddakotascholarships.com/
State wrestling tickets are on sale now! At this time, only All-Session tickets can be purchased. There will be no refunds on any ticket orders. An All-Session Adult Ticket cost $50 and an All-Session Student Ticket cost $30. Please contact Mr. Dykstra if you have any questions. Orders can be placed by stopping in the office, by email, or phone call. All orders are due by Tuesday, January 23rd.
7th graders made gingerbread houses in Explore FACS.
Staff dress up as movie characters from a "classic" Christmas movie!
Kimball FFA as some items left over from fruit sales. If you are interested please get a hold Mrs. Walsh (605) 730-0941
3 lb Sliced American Cheese - 3
Onions 10 lb bags ...
Grapefruit 1 case left
Oranges 1 case left
Apples - Envy, Gala, Golden Delicious (1/2 case or smaller bundles)
Pineapple -4
1/2 case of pears
Cheese spreads - Horseradish, Sharp Cheddar or smokey bacon
**Will do small assortments or split cases
Thank you!!!
Kimball National Honor Society hosted Kram the Kanyon on December 14th at the boys basketball game vs Mitchell Christian. Kram the Kanyon is a service project to help collect nonperishable items for the Kimball Food Pantry. All monetary donations are given to Kimball Senior Meals. The group collected over 5 boxes of food/hygiene items and over $465 in monetary donations.
Pictured are KHS NHS members Tatum Tyrrell, Blake Leiferman, Emma Farley, and Jayden Assman.
The KHS Student Council hosted a door decorating contest with 3 sections: Elementary, Middle School & High School. Winning doors will receive a popcorn party! Elementary - Mrs. Goodall; Middle School - Mrs. Lein; High School - Mrs. Biskeborn.
We look forward to seeing our PK-4th Grade parents tomorrow!
The Student Council is hoping to make our last week of school for 2023 a fun one by creating Dress Up Days!
Reminder that tonight is Kram the Kanyon! Admission to the game is a donation item for the Kimball Food Pantry or a free-will donation.
Tomorrow is the PK-6th Grade Christmas Concert! The 2pm Matinee Performance will be livestreamed on our KWL Wildkats YouTube Channel. The 7pm Evening Performance will be in-person only viewing.
Congratulations to these Students of the Month: Levi Bilben, Trigg Miller, Hattie Konechne, Maya DeJong, Rhett Urban, Tori Ehlers, Camryn Newman, Cameron Sass, Avery Buck, Addison Gilbertz, Liam Benson & Brooklynn Staggs.
ONIONS FOR SALE!! FFA has 10 lb. bags of onions available for $15. Please contact Tracey Walsh at 605-730-0941 to complete your purchase. Thank you!
Still a few tags on the Angel Tree at Brooks Hardware.