Congratulations to Homecoming King Drew Ekstrum and Queen Auburn Pulse!
Coronation Royal Court
Tailgate Brisket Sandwich Meal Friday!
The JV/JH football game has been canceled for today!!
WiLdKat Football Skills Challenge will be Friday, September 17 at the baseball field immediately following the Kimball parade (approx 2:30pm). It is open to children ages 1-15. Sponsored by Farmers & Merchants Bank of White Lake and First Dakota Bank of Kimball.
Never Forget
Kimball FFA was represented by Colton Michalek, Jayden Kott, Synch Ness and Tyler Leheska on the Farm Safety Quiz Bowl team at the SD State Fair. The team won the Quiz Bowl.
Congratulations to our Homecoming Royalty! Hunter Janish, Kaden Tyrrell, Drew Ekstrum, Auburn Pulse, Fayleen Overweg & Brook Nolz.
The Kimball School mobile app is now available for Apple and Android!! Download it today!
We hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend! See you back to school on Tuesday, Sept. 7!
We had a great first week of school and we are looking forward to a great rest of the year. A couple of items: Please review the sickness/symptoms checklist before sending your child to school or on the bus and if there are symptoms of sickness have your child stay home. Also, the school doors will open at 7:50 AM for students to enter the school and get breakfast and the bell rings at 8:05 for school to start at 8:10. Waiting until 7:50 AM to enter the school gives our teachers time to get ready for the day. If students are getting extra help and have made arrangements they can come to the front door and they can go to individual rooms.
Homecoming Week is September 13-17!
Time to order WiLdKat Volleyball Shirts! Orders due Wednesday, September 1. Link:
KWL Football shirts/sweatshirts!! Please return order form and payment to the office by Tuesday, August 31. Blank order forms are available in the office.
Birth to 5 Screenings on Thursday, Sept. 2. Please call Amy at the school to schedule your child: 778-6231.
Hello all! Welcome to the 2021-22 school year. Exciting times as we move forward into this coming year. We are up and running. We had an exciting first football game on Friday, congratulations on the win. Keep up to date on game dates and other events each week on our website.
Welcome Back Assembly for Elementary.
5th-12th Welcome Back Assembly
We have received information on food supply chain interruptions locally and nationally. Schools have been advised to be prepared with a backup plan for menu items. Due to this, we will not be printing a monthly menu for distribution. We encourage you to check out our new "Dining" section of the webpage which will be updated as things change. Thank you!
The NEW Kimball School website is up and running!!!! Apps for your phones will be coming soon!